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Optech ALTM 機載激光測量儀

Optech ALTM 機載激光測量儀

簡要描述:Optech ALTM 機載激光測量儀 ALTM Gemini
A wide-area, high-altitude lidar mapping system incorporating the industry’s only fully-automated Continuous Multipulse (CMP) technology system.

更新時間: 2024-09-11




Optech ALTM 機載激光測量儀

ALTM Gemini

A wide-area, high-altitude lidar mapping system incorporating the industry’s only fully-automated Continuous Multipulse (CMP) technology system.



  • Dual beam divergence
  • Integrated video capture
  • Continuous Multipulse (CMP) technology
  • GPS, GLONASS and L-band capable
  • Waveform digitization option
  • Fully integrated imaging sensor options




  • Rapid coverage and data output capability
  • Unrestricted bank-angle capability while maintaining high data accuracy and integrity
  • Intensity capture with large dynamic range resulting in exceptional lidar image quality
  • Ability to operate efficiently in all application areas and altitudes with maximum data density


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